
Phill Grove became a full-time real estate investor in 2003 after a successful 16 year high-tech career, where he worked as an electrical engineer, field applications engineer, and ultimately as a Director or Vice President of Marketing at several semiconductor companies. Phill’s career advanced based on hard work, ambition, and unique problem solving abilities.

Together with his wife Shenoah, Phill has been actively investing in real estate and helping homeowners with creative property solutions since 2003. During that time, he has participated in more than 1,200 real estate transactions totaling more than $200,000,000.00 (and still holds an 8 figure real estate portfolio) using creative real estate investing strategies designed to help the difficult situations facing their buyers.

This website was created to share a myriad of powerful strategies and specializations with the real estate investment community. Feel free to browse around the site to view the collection of recorded video training from Phill and several of his strategic partners in the business. To start watching the training modules, visit our Real Estate Investing Training page.